"What? Are you listening radio? In 21st century?? What's wrong with you???"
You see, my dear friends, for me - radio is not just a random background music, which usually plays in cars. Oh no. Radio - is the whole world, opened for you without any internet connection or other advanced networking.
And speaking about "whole world" - I mean not FM radio stations, but rather AM and, especially SW stations, which literally broadcast for every corner of our planet.
Short waves are really a pure magic. You can listen both radio enthusiasts or official short-waves broadcasters from the whole world right from your home, and all you need for this - is just your radio!
If you'd like - you could be just an advanced DXer, of even more - you can send a SINPO report and obtain a QSL card in exchange!
Hell yeah, you can be a part of this 100-year community as well. And all you need for this, once again - it's just a regular SW-radio. And that's it.
I began to be a part of this movement back in 2016. I received a lot of QSL-cards, gifts and postcards from
KBS World Radio,
Once I'd been giving an 30 mins interview for a journalist, who called me right from Seoul. And the only thing I did for all of these things - I was just listening the radio.
It's the whole world. Yet unknown, maybe, and pretty difficult followed, but the more captivating it is.
Below you can find several links to the resources, which will help you to dive in this astonishing world.
Also - there are some links to the recent episodes of overview of the radio world, made by Glenn Hauser - a man, who dedicated all his life to amateur SW-radio brodcasting and DX-ing. He's doing this podcast for decades, and is doing it damn good.
73 for everyone!