Romania - is a very beautiful country.
It's a part of my life, of my ancestors' history, of my soul.
Unfortunately, this country is still really underestimated. By other european countries, by romanians themselves, sometimes - even by people from other continents.
But despite many opinions and rumours - Romania is a country with a great history, great people and great nature.
As a historian - I don't know another country, who suffered more tragical historical twists during the XXth century. As a foodie - I don't know a better cuisine. As a nature lover - I don't know where else I can find such a big amount of astonishing views and picturesque landscapes.
What else could be found out about Romania?
Is that all? OMG, no.
The Merry Cemetery,
the tallest wooden church in the world,
underground glaciers, a
paranormal forest, tons and tons of waterfalls, caves, hiking paths and mountain views - that's the real Romania.